Only at An Author Speaks, Is where Authors, get personal about their books!
Hello, I am your Host "Keesha" at An Author Speaks! For the month of May we will Introduce some of our upcoming Authors as they Talk Live about there books and we hope you tune in. Below we have our Newest Author who will make you laugh and cry. Clarissa's book is based on a True Story!
Lighthouses were created with purpose.
Lighthouses symbolize safety,guidannce & Integrity.
Lighthouses provide hope & vision.
Lighthouses exist because storms & darkness exists.
Lighthouses are a perfect example of...
"Clarissa Johnson"
"A source of light in times of darkness"
The Interview:
Host: Hello, Clarissa, Thank You for this Interview, Let me First start your Interview by asking what made you select the title "Sleeping with the Enemy" for your book?
Clarissa: My Book originated from a True Story based on different events which happen in my own life.
Host: Who was your favorite Character and Why?
Clarissa: "Well I must say it's "Cherise" because She and I, both had a calling on our lives, and we both had to learn many lessons about people and how to deal with men like "Mr. Terrell." I don't want to give it away...
Host: What is your passion for writing "Sleeping with the Enemy"?
Clarissa: My passion as a Christian Fiction Author is to restore the broken hearted and reveal how God can restore a person's life if they "TRUST HIM"! And I also want my readers to know I am a very transparent writer who will take your Faith to another level.
Host: Is there anything else you would like your Reader's to know about "Clarissa Lighthouse Johnson"?
Clarissa: Yes, I have been Blessed by God! I believe that if God calls us to do something, He will provide the way to get his work done! In the making of "Sleeping with the Enemy" It was there I grew to know Christ more and more. I believe He elevated me high enough to help others and Now there's no stopping me. And In my quest to renewing my walk with Christ I begin to See "Lighthouse Fiqurines" all over the place after a Good friend gave me one while facing my own storm. The message I received was I was considered A Light in Darkness" So I've Incorporated the word "Lighthouse" in my name and I have collected lots of Lighthouse Figurines every since then.
Host: Before we end this interview Is there any favorite part of your book you would like to share with your viewer's and why?
Clarissa: Yes, This is a Part from the Character Cherise....
I can identify with "Cherise" Because she and I needed Christ to not only Save us, but heal us as well. Below is a Short description of "Cherise Tillman"
Hi, my name is Cherise Tillman. Although a little thick, I am quite sexy if I must say so myself. Everybody loves me and I love everybody. I am truly a people's person, but my husband, Terrell has a problem with my exuberant personality. On the outside, I appear to be happy but on the inside, I'm a mess. See, I have this problem. I am very unhappy in my marriage to Terrell. He is quite abusive (not necessarily physically, but emotionally and mentally). Of course, there was a few times he's threatened me with a gun, and oh yeah, that time that he pushed me down on the bed and raped me. I am so close to leaving this buster, but I have another problem. I'm sure you're saying, "honey, leave that fool", but you see, it's just not that easy for me. See, I honor my vows but more importantly, I honor the Lord. The Bible says that He hates divorce, and being a minister and worship leader in the church, I just don't want to do anything to displease Him. I tell you though, I'm literally on the edge and I am just about to lose my mind in this house with this fool. Yal please pray for me b/c I tell you, sometimes I swear I'm literally *Sleeping With The Enemy*. I have to go and pray now b/c I have a real tough decision to make. Clarissa will keep yal posted on whatever I decide, just purchase a copy of my story, Sleeping With The Enemy at Even if you don't buy today, you can at least see if things have gotten any better for us b/c the first three chapters is available for sample on the website. Also available on Kindle and Nook.
Host: "I enjoyed this Interview with Clarrisa Lighthouse Johnson", we will be airing her Interview Live on our"New" Sisterhoods Connections Blog Talk Radio, On May 18th at: 4:00 p.m (PST) & 7:00 p.m (EST) we will provide a Link to connect to this show from Facebook and Twitter.
We Thank you Author "CLARISSA JOHNSON" I can't wait to talk with you Live on air about your book and May God Continue to use you as A Light in such A Dark world and much Success to your book only at An Author Speaks!
Please be reminded to check back at "An Author Speaks " for more Interviews and showtimes Information...........
Interviewed by: Host: K. Thomas,
" Only at An Author Speaks"